Just like there are numerous benefits to hiring IT recruitment agencies, which we have covered in our previous blog, there are innumerable misconceptions about the IT staffing industry that make organizations apprehensive about hiring IT professional services.

In today’s blogs, we are going to help you bust some of these common myths so that you can hire the Top IT staffing firms and grow your business with the right candidate provided by credible IT Recruitment agencies.

Let’s begin

All recruitment agencies just send CVs

This is a common belief among the hiring managers that all that the recruitment agencies do is send a plethora of CVs, but that is far from the truth. A reputable IT recruitment agency does more than that. They ensure proper communication with their clients to make sure that the organization finds the right fit. They do so by checking every aspect of hiring the candidate with the prerequisites set by the company. They take regular follow-ups on what should be the qualities of the candidate, what is the salary being offered, and more. On the ground of all these, they filter out CVs that best match the description. They make the hiring manager’s job easier by only sending those CVs that will fit the organization’s demands.

Posting Ads on the Job Board will do the same job

While there is no denying the fact that organizations will attract applicants by posting the requirement on the job boards, what they don’t have is the access to job board’s CV database and strong network which can be provided by Top IT staffing firms. By having access to the database, they can connect the organizations with passive candidates who might not be looking for a job but fit the bill. This can help both the organization as well as the candidates. Second is the network- top IT staffing firms have a wide network which they build over the years with the contractors and permanent employees who possess the skills required by the organization. This means that even without posting a job ad, the IT recruitment agencies will have a list of candidates who will fit the requirement and might be interested in joining the organization. This way the hiring managers will also know how soon they will be able to hire and onboard a candidate.

It is easy to find people looking for a job

Did you know that 70% of the global workforce comprises passive candidates? Yes! So if you are under the impression that you will be able to find the right candidate without assistance, we are sorry to burst your bubble. Competition is aggressive and the population of talented candidates is low, which is why organizations take the wise decision to hire IT recruitment agencies. They come backed with extensive knowledge and experience of having helped businesses, big and small, find the right candidate. Their accessibility to a strong database and wide network comes in handy in finding candidates who will be the best fit for the organization.

Recruitment agencies don’t understand the industry

This will be the case when you hire a generic recruitment agency. This is why we suggest hiring a recruitment agency that holds knowledge and experience in specific industries like IT recruitment agencies. Not only do they have a greater understanding of the industry, but they will also know what skills to look for in the candidate when hunting for them. They will have the knowledge to ask the right questions to make sure that the company is hiring the right fit. Specialist recruitment agencies will have employees under them that thoroughly understand the industry and its intricacies.

Now that you know the looming misconceptions about the IT staffing industry are not true, we recommend you reach out to the best IT professional services like those provided by Icons Web Tech. If you are wondering what qualities to look for in IT staffing firms, don’t worry because we have got you covered. Check out our blog section to gain insights into the broadening horizon of IT recruitment agencies.

If you would like to know more about our services, feel free to reach out to our recruitment experts and we will get back to you immediately with the right answer.

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