Implementing Newgen BPM Integration with SAP HANA for Accounts Payable Process at an electronics giant

Newgen BPM Integration with SAP HANA

Client Overview

The client, a well-known manufacturer of consumer electronics, wanted to improve and streamline its accounts payable (AP) procedure. In order to improve efficiency, accuracy, and visibility in its AP operations, the company decided to install Newgen Business Process Management (BPM) linked with SAP HANA in response to issues including manual data entry, protracted approval cycles, and data conflicts.

Problem Statement:

The client's old AP process had a lot of manual work, paper invoices, and different systems, which caused delays, mistakes, and inefficiencies. The business required a solution that would fully automate the AP procedure, from the receipt of invoices through posting, and guarantee smooth interaction with their SAP HANA ERP system.


A team of Newgen and SAP HANA professionals and the client worked together to create and implement a comprehensive solution that integrated Newgen BPM with the strength of SAP HANA. The following goals were the focus of the solution:
1. Process Automation: Newgen BPM was used to automate the labor-intensive manual processes, including data entry, document routing, and approval procedures. This decreased processing times, got rid of human errors, and made the whole process more effective.
2. Document Management: Within Newgen BPM, a central document repository was created, allowing for the electronic archiving and retrieval of invoices, purchase orders, and associated documents. Physical paperwork was no longer required, and document traceability was enhanced.
3. Integration with SAP HANA: The seamless connection of Newgen BPM with SAP HANA was the centrepiece of the solution. In order to ensure correct and current MIGO transaction (Gate entry and Store), Quality inspection, and MIRO transaction (Parking and Posting) information across both platforms, this integration enabled real-time data interchange between the BPM system and the ERP.
4. Workflow Optimization:In Newgen BPM, the AP approval procedure was created and set up. The workflow was created specifically for the Client's approval hierarchy, ensuring that invoices were sent to the appropriate people for review and approval in accordance with specified regulations.
5. Data Validation and Matching: The solution's sophisticated algorithms allowed for automated data matching and validation between invoices, purchase orders, and GRN. As a result, there were fewer differences and exceptions, which required less manual intervention.
6. Data Extraction:To extract invoice data from scanned documents, a data extraction system was created. The data from the invoice header/line was extracted using Newgen Omni Extract.

Implementation Steps

The implementation followed a phased approach:

1. Requirements Gathering

The AP process for the client was carefully examined to pinpoint areas that needed automation and integration.

2. Solution Design

The IWT and Orient teams worked together to create a solution architecture that includes user interfaces, integration points, process flows, and data mapping.

3. Customization and Configuration

The Newgen BPM system was modified to meet the needs of the client's AP process. Using connectors and APIs, integration points with SAP HANA were developed.

4. Testing:

To guarantee seamless connection, data accuracy, and adherence to business regulations, rigorous testing was carried out. This involved testing the complete AP procedure from beginning to end.

5. User Training

The client's personnel received training on how to use the new system, comprehend workflows, and use the combined BPM and SAP HANA interfaces.

6. Deployment

The solution was implemented in a controlled setting, enabling additional testing and validation in a practical situation.

7. Go-Live:

The solution was properly tested and validated before being made available for extensive operations.


The client's AP process benefited greatly from the adoption of Newgen BPM linked with SAP HANA:
1. Improved Efficiency: The automation of manual operations sped up the processing of invoices, decreased cycle times, and improved productivity overall.
2. Enhanced Accuracy: Algorithms for data validation and matching reduced errors, which increased the accuracy of processing invoices.
3. Visibility and Control: Algorithms for data validation and matching reduced errors, resulting in greater processing accuracy for invoices.
4. Faster Approvals:To avoid approval bottlenecks, bills were sent to the appropriate approvers thanks to automated approval workflows.
5. Cost Savings:Data input, storage, and document handling costs were reduced as a result of less manual work and paper use.
6. Compliance and Audit: The automated procedures and unified document repository made it easier to comply with legal obligations and streamline audit trails.


The accounts payable process for the client was revolutionised by the Newgen BPM integration with SAP HANA. The organisation improved the productivity, accuracy, and control over its AP operations by integrating process automation, seamless integration, and enhanced data validation. This case study serves as an example of how BPM and ERP integration may significantly improve business process optimisation.